Why won't the e-Renewal website accept my credit card information?

There are many reasons why credit card information may not be accepted. Some suggestions for checking credit card data input are listed below. If you find that all data is complete and correct, but the card is still not accepted, try a different card.

  • Be sure that you do not use any hyphens, “-“, underlines, “_”, or spaces when you type your credit card number.
  • Do not type text in the space provided for your credit card type, be sure that you click on/select your credit card type from the drop down list of acceptable credit cards.
  • Be sure to state the credit card expiration date correctly, with the slash and without spaces. An example of a month, year expiration would be: 09/03
  • There is no comparison between the name on your license and the credit card name. When typing the name on the credit card, be sure that you type it just as it appears on the card that was used to complete the other credit card information.
  • Be sure that all credit card data fields are completed.