Attention Registered Interns Expiring

Posted in Latest News on March 7, 2022.

On July 1, 2016, Section 491.0045, Florida Statutes, was revised to establish a limitation of five years as a registered intern. The law reads, in part:

 A registration issued on or before March 31, 2017, expires March 31, 2022, and may not be renewed or reissued. Any registration issued after March 31, 2017, expires 60 months after the date it is issued. The board may make a one-time exception to the requirements of this subsection in emergency or hardship cases, as defined by board rule, if the candidate has passed the theory and practice examination described in s. 491.005(1)(d), (3)(d), and (4)(d).

Hardship Extension

The Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling promulgated a revision to rule 64B4-3.0085, Florida Administrative Code, the following rule language, effective September 8, 2021, which states, in part:

 (10) An “emergency or hardship case” pursuant to Section 491.0045(6), F.S., means that the Registered Intern requesting the one-time exception:

(a) Has passed the theory and practice examination as required in Sections 491.005(1)(d), (3)(d), and (4)(d), F.S.;

 (b) Has completed all educational requirements, including their required clinical practicum hours; and

 (c) Confirms in writing that a circumstance or circumstances exist or existed that substantially relate to the ability to complete the internship requirements which are beyond the registered intern’s control and are of such duration to have eliminated the ability of the registered intern to complete their internship requirements established pursuant to Section 491.0045(6), F.S. and that the registered intern understands that failure to pass the exam does not meet the requirements of an emergency or hardship case.

 (11) No later than 30 days prior to the expiration of the internship registration, the Registered Intern shall submit, form DH5065-MQA, Registered Intern Exception Request Form (Revised 06/2021), hereby adopted and incorporated by reference, which can be obtained from, or on the web at Upon receipt of timely filed, fully completed and signed Registered Intern Exception Request Form, the Board shall issue the registered intern a one-time exception by granting an extension of their registration status for 24 months from the date of the initial registration expiration. No further exceptions or extensions are authorized by Section 491.0045, F.S.

Preparing for Licensure

It is important that you begin your final preparations before your license expires by evaluating your completion of supervision hours and the appropriate national examination.

For more information regarding full licensure, please visit our website at:

For more information on how to register for the exam, please visit our website at:

If you’d like to submit a hardship extension form, please click the following link and submit your request to the board office for review:

Provisional License

This license is available only to applicants for licensure by exam or endorsement who have already met the minimum requirement of two years of post-master’s supervised experience but do not meet Florida’s licensure requirements. It allows you to practice under supervision while you meet any additional licensure requirements such as master’s level coursework, continuing education coursework, or passing the national exam. Provisional licensees are required to meet face-to-face with their supervisor at least one hour per month. A supervisor for a provisional licensee is defined as a Florida Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Marriage and Family Therapist, or Mental Health Counselor. This license is valid for 24 months and cannot be renewed.

Provisional licensure applications are available upon request and will not be provided until an application by endorsement/exam has been received by the Board Office. This application has a non-refundable fee of $100.

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